Friday, 25 January 2008

Home Office - Misery – Costs – Inconvenience to Bikers

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) have expressed their serious
concerns to the Home Office regarding their proposals to increase, by
almost 300%, the statutory charges for the removal, storage and disposal
of motorcycles by the police.

Under the current arrangements the police can charge £105 for the
recovery of a motorcycle considered to be abandoned illegally,
dangerously or obstructively parked, or broken down. They can then
charge up to £12 a day for storage until the motorcycle is reclaimed by
its rightful owner.

Under new Home Office proposals bikers would be charged £300 for the
recovery of the machine and £15 per day storage. This will not only
affect riders involved in road crashes but will also affect those who
have had their motorcycle stolen and subsequently recovered, adding to
the misery, cost and inconvenience to the owner.

Responding to the consultation which closes today, Friday the 25th
January MAG has highlighted the totally unjustified 300% increase and
brought to the attention of the Home Office failures in communication
between the police, insurers, and the recovery companies which results
in unnecessary delays in the release of impounded bikes and escalating
costs incurred by the biker.

David Short, MAG Campaigns Manager, says, “The proposed charges are
totally out of proportion to reality and the increase from the current
£105 to £300 is totally unjustified.”

“There are too many examples of bikers who have been victims of
motorcycle theft who have then had huge recovery and storage costs
charged by the police because of a lack of communication between the
police and the victim of the crime.”

“This also applies to bikers who have been involved in road crashes and
who have not had the opportunity to make their own arrangements to
recover their crashed bike”

“MAG will be making the strongest representations to have these proposed
rip off charges consigned to the bin”


1. Proposed Charges

2. View Original Consultation

For further information contact:

David Short

Tel: +44 (0) 1347 82221
Mobile: +44 (0) 77389 48080


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