Saturday, 23 June 2007

Tar Barrels Ottery St Mary 2005

Been having some issues sending posts from Youtube... hmm all Google owned but cannot talk to each other ... So embeded this.

This is a "folk tradition" in Devon , that appears to havce started in the late 17th Century. The real reason for it has been lost in antiquity , so to speak, but makes for a great Bonfire Night.

Sadly it has become very popular with the "backpacker" crowd and students. I got to know about it as Jules is from the next town over and went when she was a child. You cannot take children into this crowd now.

Sadly the event is in peril every year as the "safety nazis" and "nanny government" try to stop people doing things tio harm themselves. Humans love danger, and this is the closest you could ever get in this country to running with the bulls in Pampalona.

People often ask us why we prefere to tour Europe rather than the UK, and the reason is , it's more fun! Bikes are given respect on the road and are allowed to be reasonably parked anywhere. Businesses welcome bikers, and events are not regulated to the point that the fun is drained from them.

So this year the tunnel tickets are booked and our second trip to Europe will be to the Stella Alpina Rally on the French/Italian border.

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