Wednesday, 6 February 2008

London Mayor’s Dithering puts Road User Lives at Risk

The Motorcycle Action Group, (MAG UK), is very concerned that the safety of vulnerable road users is being put at risk by the procrastination of London’s Mayor Ken Livingstone and the blocking by the Mayor’s office of the publication of the ‘Transport for London PTW in Bus Lane Study’.

The report was completed in April 2007 and was first due to be published in October 20007, then January 2008. It has still to be released.

The study looked in detail at the effects of allowing motorcycles to use bus lanes on certain streets in the Capital and has proved conclusively that there are significant net road safety benefits for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and bus passengers.

The study showed that despite concerns by cycling groups that cyclists would be put in danger the results showed that cyclist collisions reduced by 39%, motorcycle collisions reduced by 44% and pedestrians by 24%.

During the last 11 years motorcycle access to bus lanes has been successfully trialled or introduced as a permanent measure in a number of locations in the UK. A growing number of European towns and cities deploy this measure for road safety purposes. Motorcycles have been allowed in Sweden’s capital city Stockholm since 1986.

No trial of powered two wheelers in bus lanes, anywhere in the UK, or anywhere else in the world has ever been rejected on road safety grounds.

David Short, MAG Campaigns Manager says,” The blocking of this report and the subsequent delays in introducing proven road safety measures for vulnerable road users is inexcusable.”

“It is beyond comprehension that political interference is putting lives at risk, especially when the Parliamentary Transport Select Committee have announced a scrutiny into what further measures can be put in place between now and 2010 to achieve the Government’s casualty reduction targets.”

“I am seeking legal advice on behalf of MAG on the culpability of the Mayor’s office in the event that a motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian sustains injury which could have been avoided had the measures recommended in the report been introduced”.


1. For further information contact

David Short

Campaigns Manager

Motorcycle Action Group

Telephone: 01347 822214

Mobile: 077389 48080


The UK's Leading Riders' Rights Organisation

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