The first revised Highway Code in eight years has been unveiled by Road Safety Minister Jim Fitzpatrick. The updated Code offers the latest road safety rules and advice, as well as promoting greater courtesy and understanding among all road users, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK)) says that motorcyclists are vulnerable road users and often bear the brunt of inattentive drivers who are more pre occupied with trying to light a cigarette, fiddling with CD's, trying to read road maps, not to mention the omnipresent mobile phone users who persist in using their phones despite increased penalties. All these activities result in distractions from driving and present a very serious danger to motorcyclists which are now categorically defined in the new Highway Code as activities prohibited whilst driving.
In addition the code outlines the dangers caused by overfilling fuel tanks, in particular Diesel, which if spilt on the road causes serious danger, especially to motorcyclists and cyclists. Advice is given for motorists to be especially vigilant when manoeuvring, such as turning right or changing lanes and being aware of their vehicle blind spots.
The code recognises the benefits of motorcycles in beating traffic congestion and advises motorists to look out for motorcyclists who are legitimately filtering between lanes of traffic.
MAG has been involved with the Department of Transport throughout the consultation process from which the new Highway Code has evolved.
MAG's Campaign Manager, David Short, says, "Motorcyclists everywhere will be all too familiar with having to dodge lit fag ends, chip wrappers and drinks tins hurled out of vehicles by their irresponsible drivers."
"Diesel spills are a further curse which motorcyclists have to deal with as well as drivers who fail to look properly for motorcyclists at junctions or whilstmotorcyclists are defeating traffic congestion by filtering through lanes of stationary and slow moving traffic."
It is very encouraging to see the new Highway Code taking into consideration all these issues on which MAG made representations in the consultation process."
"The Highway Code is basic, simple advice which could save countless lives on the roads if people took the time and trouble to read and act on it."
"All road users would be well advised to read it!"
- The Code is available for free at
- The Official Highway Code is published by The Stationery Office Ltd (TSO) and is priced at £2.50. Visit or call 0870 600 5522. Copies are also available from all good High Street and online bookstores
David Short can be contacted at:
Tel: +44 (0) 1347 82221
Mobile: +44 (0) 77389 48080
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