Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Bulgaria May 2010

Bulgaria May 2010
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules
Well we have been off exploring the world again.

This time it was a trip to Bulgaria to see Nik and Chris of Wildrovers 4X4 for a week of exploring and carving up the countryside in Landrovers.

We stumbled upon this place while taking the scenic route to the top of the Shipka pass.... we were only hoping to avoid the Military Police again after a small "incident" earlier in the day... which we will happily recount over a beer sometime :D

Anyhow this is the start of the Socialist Pilgrim's trail to the Budludzha Monument.... built in 1981 and abandoned with the regime change in 1989 .
Bulgaria May 2010
Bulgaria May 2010
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules

This place is a great loss to the culture of the country. It's a magnificent building filled with what were once outstanding mosaics , but sadly just left to rot after being stripped of it's copper cladding and other metals.

Perhaps one day someone will reclaim it and restore it... who knows?

More images can be seen on our Flickr account