Friday, 19 February 2010

Goyt Valley

Goyt Valley
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules
The road goes on for ever... click on'em too see more !

February 2010

February 2010
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules
And another one!

Goyt Valley February 2010

February 2010
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules
This blog was set up for the two of us to post on and amongst many things share our travel and bike pics.

However Jules keeps hiding her creative light under a bushel... so take a bow Jules!

This one is great. Please click on it and check out the larger size! It's rather marvey.

Chop and Stock 2009 Redux

Hey ho , no posts for a while so I thought I would put one of my images up from one of the few hot sunny days of last summer.

The fact is that really good Bike shots are becoming few and far between at the moment; as everyone is bundled up away from the crap weather in the UK this winter.

If this is the future of our climate , I need to see if studded tyres can be made UK road legal!