Sunday, 27 September 2009

Rich Evans and D&P Classics Meet-up with The Nation of GO Tour

Just another cool random Kustom Kulture pic from flickr

Thursday, 24 September 2009


Originally uploaded by Jalakanen
Just a random shot from my Favouriets set on Flickr... nice innit...

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Derby Festé 2009

Derby Feste 2009
Originally uploaded by Scouse_and_Jules
Last night we went into town to see the performance by Compagnie Transe Express - "Mobile Homme" which was part of the weekend long Derby Festé.

It was spectacular combination of Tambours becoming a human mobile and aerial gymnastics but almost impossible to photograph and video, while being jostled by the crowd in the market place. But we did get some excellent footage and images which we will share once we have gone through them and weeded out the crap ones :)

Saturday, 5 September 2009

feel a hacksaw moment...

Cool, the most underrated bikes to customize but I feel the time is right. just need to find one cheap enough to set a hacksaw/angle grinder to.

This winters project ?

Friday, 4 September 2009

xs650 custom "The Wizard Sleeze'

The engine Triumph should have made... but a nice clean and simple chop. We like!